Sketch > Spline and Polyline

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In the ribbon, as well as in the automenu of the Sketch command, options of spline creation are grouped into a drop-down list. The presence of the drop-down list is indicated by the black triangle near an icon of an option displayed, when the list is folded. In order to unfold the list, either click mouse left a triangle Dropdown15x15 in the ribbon, or click and hold mouse left on an icon of an option displayed, when the list is folded. This icon corresponds to an option used last in the current CAD session. When the Sketch command is launched, any option can be called via keyboard without unfolding the list.

10_SKSplineRibbon 10_SKSplineAuto

Types of Spline

Following types are available:




Draw > Sketch > Spline > Spline

Remarks > Remarks > Line > Spline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Spline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command



The spline goes through given control points.





Draw > Sketch > Spline > Spline by Polyline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Spline by Polyline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command


Spline by Polyline

A polygonal line goes through control points, and the spline (NURBS) is based on such line.





Draw > Sketch > Spline > Closed Spline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Closed Spline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command


Closed Spline

A closed spline goes through given control points.





Draw > Sketch > Spline > Closed Spline by Polyline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Closed Spline by Polyline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command


Closed Spline by Polyline

A closed spline (NURBS) based on polygonal line, where latter goes through control points.





Draw > Sketch > Spline > Polyline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Polyline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command


Graphic Polyline

A first degree spline.

Visually, when creating a polyline, we get consecutive line segments. However, the interrelations of these segments is different than if we would draw line segments in a continuous sketching mode or parametric segments (with constraint). In contrast to the line option, a broken polyline is a single object.

For example, parts of a polyline cannot be rounded together, and when a segment is deleted, the deleted part will consist of a set of segments. You can create an offset curve to the polyline.





Draw > Sketch > Spline > Closed Polyline

Workplane > Sketch > Spline > Closed Polyline


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command


Closed Polyline

A closed first degree spline.


While creating and editing a spline, you can change its type at any moment.


The spline drawing command functional in construction lines and in a sketch is practically identical. But there are some minor differences.

Object snapping doesn't recognize control points of the construction spline.

A node can be snapped to construction spline, with specifying a relative position along the spline.

The parameters dialog Parameters20x20 of a construction spline parameters is different from the one of a sketch spline.

Creating a Spline

Choose one of the aforementioned spline types. Specify the location of control points with mouse left. The points can be bound to 2D nodes. The location of the points can be defined using object snapping. Upon specifying a first (second for closed splines) control point, the dynamic preview of the spline appears on the screen. The last point of the spline follows the cursor, so the preview changes accordingly. When creating a spline by polyline, a preview of a polyline is shown along with a preview of a spline.


Coordinates and other parameters of the specified points, as well as geometrical parameters of the spline as whole, are shown in the parameters window (see the Geometrical Parameters of Spline section).

Specify control points, their parameters, parameters of spline as whole and then finish the spline creation using either the AutomenuOk1 (<Ctrl>+<Enter>) option, or double click mouse leftmouse left.


Automenu options

Initially, upon calling any of the sketch spline creation commands, the full set of the Sketch command's options is available in the automenu.

Upon defining two control points, the set of automenu options changes to following:



Finish Spline input

Finishes the creation of a current spline and starts creation of another one.



Set entity parameters

Invokes the spline's parameters dialog



Cancel selection

Right-click Правый клик Текст or activating this option option, brings up the Right button action dialog, unless the Don't Show this dialog in future option was enabled earlier in the current session. Upon selecting the Continue operation action in the dialog, adding control points to the end of the spline stops, but you can still can add intermediate ones by clicking mouse leftat the desired location on the spline or edit any of the spline's parameters. In order to resume adding points to the end of the spline, select mouse left the last point in the list of points displayed in the parameters window and click the SplineAddBefore Add after button.

See also:

Spline Analysis

Main Concepts of 2D Spline

2D Spline Point Controls

Geometrical Parameters of 2D Spline

Graphic Line Parameters

Edit Splines

Right button action

Spline based on 3D Nodes