Parameters Dialog of Hatch

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The parameters dialog ParametersSmall of a hatch can be invoked in one of the following ways:

by double-clicking mouse leftmouse left the hatch in drawing window or in SWModelElements20x20 Model Elements window;

from the contextual menu, invoked by clicking mouse right the hatch in drawing window or in SWModelElements20x20 Model Elements window;

from the dynamic toolbar, displayed upon selecting the hatch in drawing window;

from the automenu of the Hatch20x20 Hatch and EditHatch20x20 Edit Hatch commands.


The parameters dialog contains following tabs:

Contains same parameters as the General Parameters tab of the Hatch20x20 Hatch command's parameters window. Additionally allows to customize Level, Priority, Layer and Color of filling. Moreover, there is the Profile checkbox in the left section of the tab. If you enable this checkbox, the selected hatch can be used in the HatchProfile20x20 Profile command.

Contains same parameters as the Outline tab of the Hatch20x20 Hatch command's parameters window.

See Also:

Default Parameters

Defining Element Parameters

Copying Parameters of 2D Elements