Contextual Menu of 2D Projection and its Elements

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Contextual menu of 2D Projection


The contextual menu of 2D Projection contains several specific commands:

2DProjectionActivate20x20 Activate

2DProjectionActivateNewWindow20x20 Activate in new window

2DProjectionBreaks20x20 Edit Breaks

2DProjectionExplode20x20Explode Projection
Calling the command invokes the dialog window, where you can select one of the following options:


oExplode projection and create drawing view
Converts projection into a regular drawing view, which is not linked to 3D model. This option is not available, if a projection is created using the compatibility mode, contains breaks or cropped.

oExplode projection, without creating drawing view
Converts projection into free graphic lines, hatches and drawing appearance elements, which belong to the current drawing page and are not linked to 3D model.

oExplode projection, uniting objects into group, without creating drawing view.
Converts projection into a group of free graphic lines, hatches and drawing appearance elements, which belong to the current drawing page and are not linked to 3D model. A name of a group contains of a name of exploded projection and group's number.

Additionally, there is the Don't show this message again checkbox in the bottom of the dialog window. If you enable this checkbox, then the selected option will be applied automatically upon using the 2DProjectionExplode20x20Explode Projection command again in the current T-FLEX CAD session. In such case, the dialog for selecting options won't be displayed.

2DProjectionAnnotations20x20Create 2D Annotations

Additional >

oHide constructions

oProcess Bodies with Errors

oSynchronize Page Parameters
When this checkbox is enabled (by default), parameters of projection's page are synchronized with parameters of document's page, which contains this projection. So, changing document's page parameters changes projection's page parameters. On contrary, manual changes of projection's page parameters are not applied. Disable the checkbox, if you want to set projection page parameters different from parameters of document's page. On the first synchronization parameters of document's page are applied to projection's page.

oApply Breaks in Active View

o2DProjectionRestoreDeletedElements20x20Restore deleted elements
Restores graphic lines and hatchings, which were deleted using the ProductStructureDelete Delete command.

oUpdate locally
The command saves time when working with complex models and drawings. Unlike the Update20x20 Update command, it doesn't recalculates child elements. This comes useful when working with complex projections that are linked to each other.

oDelete unused projection elements
Enhances performance and optimizes projection regeneration by deleting elements without geometry. Such elements are formed upon updating a projection after changes in visibility of 3D elements. E.g., if a new 3D element blocks the view of currently projected elements, then upon updating the projection, lines of blocked elements won't be displayed, but still remain in the structure of the projection. Use this command in order to delete such elements. Upon future updates, deleted lines will be restored, only if corresponding 3D elements become visible again.

ParametersOfDocIcon Document Parameters...
When a projection is not active, this command invoked from contextual menu of the projection brings on the screen the Document Parameters dialog for a document page, which the projection belongs to.
When a projection is active, this command invoked from contextual menus of projection's elements and of 2D window's empty space brings on the screen the Document Parameters dialog for the projection's page.

The Synchronize Page Parameters checkbox is enabled by default for projections. In such case, parameters of projection's page cannot be changed, because they're defined by parameters of a document's page, which the projection belongs to. Disable the checkbox, if you want to set projection's page parameters different from parameters of document's page.

Contextual menu of 2D Projection Elements


The Projection item in the contextual menu of precise (graphic lines) 2D projection elements contains commands for working with the whole projection:

2DProjectionEdit20x20 Edit 2D Projection
Same as using the Edit20x20 Edit command in projection's contextual menu.

2DProjectionDelete20x20 Delete 2D Projection
Same as using the ProductStructureDelete Delete command in projection's contextual menu.

2DProjectionParameters20x20 2D Projection Parameters
Same as using the ParametersSmall Parameters command in projection's contextual menu.

2DProjectionUpdate20x20 Update 2D Projection
Same as using the Update20x20 Update command in projection's contextual menu.

2DProjectionAnnotations20x20 Create 2D Annotations

2DProjectionRestoreDeletedElements20x20 Restore deleted elements

Don't apply section
This option is available only for hatches on section views and section cuts.

See Also:

Contextual Menu of Elements of Local Section View